Calcasieu River & Pass, Mile 5.5 to 17.0
Project Information
US Army Corps of Engineers; US Fish & Wildlife Service
Dredge(s) Used
Dredge 32
Dredged Quantity
5450161 CY
Project Details
Funded by a joint effort between the US Army Corps of engineers and the Department of Fish & Wildlife, the Dredge 32 began work in the Calcasieu River in November of 2018. This project was part of the Beneficial Use of Dredged Material (BUDMAT) Program aimed at restoring natural marsh habitat along the banks of the Calcasieu through the use of material dredged from within the river itself. Mike Hooks worked extensively with the funding agencies to ensure the project goals were met and were able to provide 5,450,161 cubic yards of material to aid in the restoration of the natural ecosystem in Cameron parish, south Louisiana.
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