Auxiliary equipment for the Dredge E Stroud is being towed by the tugboat God’s Glory as they mobilize east through Pensacola. The Dredge and all of its necessary equipment have to be transported along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to prepare for an upcoming project in the Florida Panhandle. The Stroud recently finished a project working for the US Army Corps of Engineers in Mobile, AL.
You don’t get sunrises like that working on the land!
Photo Credit: Capt. Shane LeBlanc, Quality Tug Services, LLC
Mike Hooks works to provide competitive benefits such as Insurance, Medical care, and Retirement Planning options, but there are some perks of this job you just won’t find anywhere else. Our project locations range from populated areas with busy ports to the remote waterways that span the Gulf of Mexico. With work in so many locations, we can guarantee the scenery is always changing and never fails to dissapoint.
Thanks to Captain Shane and Quality Tug Services, LLC for providing reliable support for our dredging operations and standing in as a part-time photographer!