About Mike Hooks

The Critical Mind

Everywhere people are working towards a common goal. Together, the best results are achieved. Thus the ideal world. Projects sometimes go in the wrong direction and that has a direct influence on the lead time. At such times, Critical Minds can help you straighten things out. How? That is different every time, because all projects and organizations are unique.

Shorten lead time

Everyone needs someone from outside at some point. That helps you and your team. With a fresh look and the motivation to quickly get the project or process back on track. Due to a smart focus on shortening the lead time, projects cost less time and money. And everyone is happy to work together again. Critical Minds always find a solution. Guaranteed.

Projects, processes and collaboration

Critical Minds find their way quickly because they are naturally curious, honest and critical. They are full of energy and immediately roll up their sleeves. From boardroom to workplace. They don’t write thick reports; they share knowledge and their practical experiences. Critical Minds help with projects, processes and collaboration. In other words: they will embark on the adventure together with you.

mr hooks
Mike Lorraine Hooks

Our Vision and Mission

At Mike Hooks, we are dedicated to stimulating economic growth through our sustainable dredging practices.  We are dedicated to meeting the highest standards of operations that are tailored to fit your project needs.  We strive to strengthen our waterways by practicing safe, effective, and responsible dredging and environmental remediation services along the Gulf Coast and beyond. 

Combining Business, Fun & Purpose

Critical Minds is a team of both starting and experienced professionals with a critical eye and a lot of energy. We love sharing knowledge; that’s in our DNA: Critical Minds don’t just come and tell you what to do and don’t make thick reports. Critical Minds operate in freedom, trust and responsibility. We believe that people make a difference by being themselves – with a smile on their face. In this way we help you best and we also make the world a little better every time.

Curious about what Mike Hooks can do for you?

Our Clients

Clients to be proud of

Wherever people work, products are made, services are provided, Critical Minds can provide added value. Because if there are processes, there are also lead times to shorten. This is always a challenge and we love that.

Below is a small selection of our clients.


Our Team

Ashley Kerns

Ashley Kerns


Mikie McMahon

Mikie McMahon

Vice President

Jasun Harmon

Jasun Harmon

Chief Financial Officer

John Morris

John Morris

Chief of Operations

Michael Gerhardt

Michael Gerhardt

Director of Government Affairs

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