Crane/Derrick Inspection Checklist

Crane/Derrick Inspection Checklist
  • Project Information
  • Equipment Checklist
  • Style #2
  • Final Comments

Inspected By


NOTE: Safety and Health Requirements Manual (EM385-1-1 (15 Sep 08)) references are in parentheses.

Note 1: Has log been updated daily when crane is used and is it signed by operator & supervisor?

Note 2: Mechanics shall sign after conducting maintenance or repairs.

Operating manual from the manufacturer for the specific crane being inspected
Any operator aids for which the crane is equipped?
The crane make and model, serial number, and year of manufacture.
Load ratings for all crane operating configurations, including optional equipment
Wire rope type, size, and reeving; line pull, line speed, and drum capacity.
Operating limits in windy or cold conditions
Operating Hours

Note 1: Has log been updated daily when crane is used and is it signed by operator & supervisor?

Note 2: Mechanics shall sign after conducting maintenance or repairs

2. Does operator have certification that he meets operator qualification and training as stated in (16.B)?
3. Has a hazard analysis been completed for set-up and set-down procedures (mobilization, assembly, dismantling, etc.) on Portal, Tower, & Pillar Cranes? (16.K.02(c))
4. Are adequate clearances provided from electrical sources, fixed objects, and swing radius? (11.I.03, 16.G.09(a) 9b) and Table 16-3)
5. Is communication provided as required? (16.G.05)
6. Has inspection been performed in accordance with 16.A.02?
7. Have operational and load tests been performed in accordance with (16.F.02 and Appendix I)?
8. Are tag lines used to control loads? (16.G.07)
9. Is critical lift plan required? (16.H.02)
10. Are all environmental considerations of (16.I.) being met?
11. Is crane equipped with boom angle indicator, load-indicating device, means to visually determine levelness, and anti-two block devices? (16.E.01, 16.E.02 and 16.E.03))
12. Are cable-supported booms equipped with boom stops? (16.D.06(a))
13. Are booms lowered to ground or secured when not in use? (16.J.05)
14. Do all floating cranes and derricks meet the requirements of (16.L)?
15. Are all moving parts (gears, drums, shafts, belts, etc.) and all hot surfaces (exhaust lines, pipes, etc.) guarded? (16.A.11(a)(b)(c))
16. If Operator is looking into the sun, does he have appropriate Shaded Safety Glasses? (16.A.08)
17. Does the unit have a suitable fire extinguisher? (16.A.11(i)) Note: Minimum 10 BC (Change 15 Sep 08)
18. Is the floating crane secured to the barge and tethered? (16.L.04(c)(1)(2)(3))
19. Are employees prohibited from riding on loads, hooks, hammers, buckets or other hoisting equipment not meant for personnel handling (16.G.06)
20. If installed from the factory, are seat belts in working order and being worn by the operator (18.B.09)
21. Are safety Shackles used during Hammering, i.e concussion or vibratory work (1.A)

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